A new high IQ society, EVANGELIQ Society was born in January 19th, 2013 in memory of the WIN founder, Dr.Evangelos Katsioulis`s 37th birthday.

The sound of the name of the society comes from the combination of both his first name  ”EVANGELOS” and his nick name “GRIQ” (EVANGRIQ), so the society name has no religious concept from the English word “EVANGELIC”


The society is only for the current highest IQ person, so the new challenger will be required to beat the current member`s score σ6.533 (either 198 with SD15  or 204.5 with SD16) on a valid intelligence test.

As the result of it, the 7 high IQ societies appears (QIQ, GRIQ, CIVIQ, HELLIQ, OLYMPIQ, ESOTERIQ and EVANGELIQ).

Currently, a person keeping the all memberships of  the 7 high IQ societies is only one, Dr.Evangelos Katsioulis of the WIN founder.

Prove you are the new Evangelist!


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