WIN Chat

WIN offers a private Chat environment, accessible only by the members of the WIN organization, who are registered in the WIN boards. Regular chat events are scheduled every Saturday, 17:00 GMT + 0.

These events are entirely hosted on the WIN server. The chat environment is built as a WIN boards add-on, which means that permissions are granted directly from the WIN boards.

All the members of the WIN affiliated societies and only them can participate in the chat events. The only requirement in order to successfully login the chat is the 2-steps registration in the WIN boards. Interested members of any WIN member society can register an account in the WIN boards and contact their society representative in the WIN boards to have their accounts activated and proper permissions granted to their account. The registration is simple and fast. You can find more information about the name and contact details of each society representative in the WIN boards following the initial step of the registration within the WIN boards – WIN Public Portal.

Many thanks to Oliver Alvarez, member of the WIN Web Committee, the ISI-Society and Infinity International Society for all his work and time invested in installing the chat feature on the WIN server.

The WIN chat is based on the AJAX Web Chat, which is a copyrighted software, supported and provided by

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