National Networks

In cooperation with and constant supervision from the World Intelligence Network, 16 National Intelligence Networks are so far established. (list is sorted in alphabetical order)


National Intelligence Network Supervisor(s)
Arabian Intelligence Network Dr Manahel Thabet
Chilean Intelligence Network Francisco Retamal
Chinese Intelligence Network Wayne Zhang
Cypriot Intelligence Network George Petasis
Finnish Intelligence Network Tommi P. Laiho
French Intelligence Network Dorian Forget
German Intelligence Network Evangelos Katsioulis
Greek Intelligence Network Evangelos Katsioulis
Italian Intelligence Network Graham Powell, Elisabetta Basciu
Japanese Intelligence Network Masaaki Yamauchi
Norwegian Intelligence Network Jarl Victor Bjørgan
Portuguese Intelligence Network Evangelos Katsioulis
Serbian Intelligence Network Вук Мирчетић (Vuk Mircetic)
Spanish Intelligence Network Rodrigo Erazo Hermosilla, Pedro Pablo Andreu,
Oliver Álvarez, Katherine Elizabeth Linebaugh
Swedish Intelligence Network Linda Leopold
Turkish Intelligence Network Selim Şumlu, Afşin Saltık