Capital City
korean pronunciation Kyung
chinese pronunciation Jing
japanese pronunciation Kyo
I show you the big gate entering the capital city.
South Great Gate (Namdaemoon in Korean)
Korean Government assigned this Building as the first national treasure. Unfortunately this building was burnt down some years ago by the arsonist who were unsatisfactory old person at the compensation of his land for the national project. Now it is being reconstructed by the traditional method. At the end of the next year, we will see the elegant building again.
BTW, I think that D-letter Jing looks like the traditional gate of the important Asian cities. Tianmen also has the similar contour.
Beijing means the capital city located at the North.
Nanjing means the capital city located at the South.
Tokyo means the capital city located at the East.
Seoul is located at the heart of the Far Eastern Asia?
Kyungki means Seoul and the surrounding area.
Beijing(c) Nanjing(c) Tokyo(j) Kyungki
Book kyung(k) Nam Kyung(k) Dong kyung(k)
Peking(english, j) Nanking(e,j)
Beijing(2008), Seoul(1988) and Tokyo(1964) are three cities who hosted the Summer Olympic games in Asia.
East, West, South, North
korean pronunciation Dong, Seo, Nam, Book
chinese pronunciation Dung, Si, Nan, Bei
japanese pronunciation Dow, zai, Nan(Minami), Boku(Kita)
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