Dear WIN friends, I am happy to inform you that the Infinity International Society (IIS) is now considered the newest WIN member society! IIS members, Welcome to our WIN family! …

Dear WIN friends, The new WIN boards based on new and secure software are now online. You can vist the boards following the link: You need to register a …

Happy New Year!

Dear WIN friends, On behalf of all WIN officers, my warmest wishes for a much better and happier new year! Evangelos Katsioulis

Study of Individuals with High Intellectual Ability

Dear WIN members, I have received the following study proposal from Dr Schwartz. Anyone interested in participating in that project could contact directly Dr Schwartz or Cindy Skinner. Evangelos Katsioulis …

New WIN logotype

Dear friends, In the context of the total WIN transformation, I suggest to update the WIN logo too. Instead of the old WIN logotype, which follows I suggest the following …

International High-Intelligence’s Society for the top 0.00003% of the general population The abilities of OLYMPIQ members are extremely rare, since only 1’800 out of the 6’400’000’000 can qualify for membership Thus, an IQ of 180, sd 16 respectively IQ 175, sd 15, is required to become a member of this exclusive High IQ society The […]

Welcome to WIN!

Welcome to the new, regenerated  blog-based WIN web! After almost 10 years, it’s time to enhance our activities and promote communications and interactions among our members. The implementation of a …

Welcome members and friends of our Society! In late 2009, the CIVIQ internet team transferred the entire database of the old static society web to a new interactive and powerful blog-based platform. Communication, discussions and interactions are suppo…

ESOTERIQ Society was founded by Mr. Masaaki Yamauchi to find the only one person in one billion. The name “ESOTERIQ” comes from the combination of the first six letters of the word “ESOTERIC” and the …