Phenomenon 30 (12/12/24): Just released

Phenomenon 30 (12/12/24): Just released
Phenomenon 30 (12/12/24): Just released

We are excited to announce the release of the latest issue of our journal, Phenomenon 30.

In this issue, you can enjoy the following discussions, articles, tests and pieces of art:

Introduction by Graham Powell p2
Anja Jaenicke art – cupid woke p3
Common intelligence in sociology (crossword) p4
Interview with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman p5
More anja jaenicke art – for king and dog p15
A Winter’s night, a poem by Graham Powell p16
Common intelligence in psychology (crossword) p17
Professor Steven Pinker on humanism and campuses p19
Leonardo: a portrait by Anja Jaenicke p32
English literature common intelligence crossword p33
Interpretation of ‘winter’s night’ by Chat GPT p34
Photo of Iona Italia p36
An interview with Dr. Iona Italia p37
Sociology crossword answers p42
Psychology crossword answers p44
The cloth of gold: a poem by Graham Powell p46
English literature crossword answers p47
An interpretation of ‘The Cloth of Gold’ by Chat GPT p48

A message from the Editors:

As the World Intelligence Network approaches its quarter of a century of existence, and the magazine reaches its thirtieth edition, the editors wish to salute the people who have contributed over the years, and in particular, the many regulars in the latest ‘Phenomenon’.

As a ‘doff of a psychologist’s cap’ to our founder, Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis, Canadian journalist Scott Douglas Jacobsen supplies superb interview content with two world-class psychologists: Professor Steven Pinker and Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman.

Another superlative contributor is the artist and visionary, Anja Jaenicke. Anja Jaenicke is one of three World Genius Directory Genius of the Year for Europe winners mentioned in this edition, and it is always a delight when Anja’s paintings arrive in the post.

Significantly, as we venture towards a world dominated by Artificial Intelligence, it seems only right to include Chat GPT contributions, my particular usage of it reassuring me that my poetry actually states what I intended it to say, though, of course, one of the advantages that we, as humans, retain at the moment, is the ability to “read and dream,” as W. B. Yeats put it. It is a moot point where we will be in 25 years’ time.

Whatever, Krystal Volney and I wish you continued creative and intellectual joy, and we acknowledge the invaluable contribution of a fellow editor (and, indeed, much more) Dr. Iona Italia.


Graham Powell

From here, we would like to thank all our journal contributors for their submissions and the journal editors, Graham Powell and Krystal Volney for their time and work put on editing this issue.

You may also overview the entire collection of WIN ONE and Phenomenon issues.

The coming issue is planned to be released on 5 May 2025 celebrating once more the 25+ years anniversary of WIN magazine publications having started as G2G, then renamed WIN ONE and currently known as Phenomenon issues.

WIN members may directly contact Phenomenon editors with their submissions.

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