Dear Founders and Administrators of the WIN member High-IQ societies,
Since the WIN organization is created to support the communication needs of each of the member societies on a world wide web basis, we are now in the exciting position to offer dedicated space in our server to the member societies. This offer is free for all WIN member societies.
Any WIN member society could have its own subdirectory with the following format:
Supposed a member society named QWERTY. We can create the subdirectory:
for the specific society web needs
This offer includes:
1. Web space of 100 MBs for each member society free of any charge in the context of the non-profit orientation of the WIN organization
2. Dedicated subdirectory for each member society
3. FTP access to the society subdirectory
4. Email accounts could also be created for the administrators and officers of each member society. The emails could have the format:
For the society President for instance, [email protected]
For the society administrator, the email account could be of the following types:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Interested parties could contact Evangelos Katsioulis requesting this package.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Evangelos Katsioulis
WIN President
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